"For as long as i shall live, i will testify to love. I'll be a witness in the silences when words are not enough. With every breath i take i will give thanks to God above. For as long as i shall live, I will testify to love."
That is the chorus to 1 of my favorite songs. Its been around for a long time, whenever i listen to it...it really explains my faith in God. Sometimes I dont know whether i'm coming or going, But as long as I trust in God and give him my all...he has me. God is on my side and through him, NOTHING is impossible. I know i'm not perfect, but in his eyes..he see's something more. In everything I do, i hope he see's reflections of him. His love is the reason I'm alive, his love has restored my heart.
I remember back before God got ahold of me, I was sitting right where i am now...on my bed and I was so depressed..on the inside...on the outside nobody even knew. I was an expert at pulling off that fake smile. I was sitting here and i had lost all hope for everything..i believed in God..but i wasnt really living for him or embracing him. I felt so lost, alone, and abandoned. Inside i was screaming and dying and i honestly wanted to die. I was so broken and destroyed on the inside. But I knew a girl named Lauren Walls..and i'd talk to her almost daily on the phone and she kept telling me "You need to come to the basement, you need to come to the well". So 1 day i told her "hey...i'm commin to the basement on Tuesday" and It was the week of Valentines day and so Matt was speaking on Love and he said that night "I cant tell you how many times girls tell me.."matt I cut myself just to make me feel" i cant tell you how many of them have showed me the razor blade marks on their arms" and then he said "But you know what, you still may have those physical scars...but God can take away those emotional scars and you can feel whole and worthy. YOU are his Princess" and I just lost it and started crying. That night at the basement I came back to Jesus and i have been on fire for him ever since. Certain people go through certain things for a reason...and maybe...the very thing that tore me apart, could be what helps put someone else back together. :)
Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrated His own love towards us in this: That while we were still sinners Christ died for us". To me that scripture basically explains itself...Jesus loved us (and that means you too!) so much, that even though we sin and we mess up and we fall and just get into all kinds of jams. HE still died for us, so that we could spend Eternity with him. To me that is just amazing, its so awesome that sometimes my mind cant even comprehend it all. My God is mighty to save...thats for sure!